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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

may30x30 week 2 {days 7-12}

if you're new around here, welcome! so happy to have you.
i hopped a plane to the virgin islands last night. i'll be gone for 2 weeks. i have some scheduled posts to keep you entertained while i'm gone, but things might be a little more quiet than usual. i'll be back just in time for memorial day and all things summer (my fave).
i was really apprehensive about signing up for the may30x30 challenge, but so far i completely love it. my favorite thing is my new blog friends, and my least favorite thing is definitely the picture taking. i feel like such a dork getting pictures of myself taken.
because i hate the pictures so much i started getting a little silly. i also took a few this week at work.

day 7. neon cardi, coral striped v, navy skirt...on the playground at my work

 day 8. teal cardi, black maxi that will be a skirt after i cut it short enough (wore as a dress)...inside my office. this elevator is so scary and people get stuck=firemen come so i'm not usually mad about that

 day 9. red cardi, navy stripe, big star long jeans...after the blogger roundtable at the end of the day in bad lighting.

 day 10. target stripe v, cream cardi, melon jeans...inside my office

 day 11. neon cardi (i never ever ever wear the same cardi 2x in a week so this challenge is really pushing me), melon stripe, black skinnies...before lunch with friends. kind of loving this brick wall.

day 11. blue stripe, gray cardi, black skinnies(again 2 days in a row is a bit of a killer, but they were washed in between)...girls night. if you follow on instagram or twitter you saw my post. last time i was with these girls there was a little crazy talk about cuteness. we're pretty casual, but after that convo i had to up my game=heels and lipstick

day 12. cream cardi(more repeating), navy/white tank, army skirt...picture taking after church was a complete DISASTER! my camera wigged out big time. it wouldn't take pictures of anything but the concrete. i just had to put some of these in because they are just funny. i was getting so fed up with the whole thing.

thank you fave friend celsey for sticking with it until the camera finally worked

next week's post will likely be from my phone if i even have internet to get it up. i'm not taking a computer so i won't be able to load my camera pics until later. i'm sure you understand:)

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  1. you're adorable! love these photos!

  2. You're so cute in your pictures! My fav this week is black maxi with pink scarf. Super bold.

  3. You are so beautiful and colorful! Day eight is my fave here. Have a great trip!

  4. I love the mountains in the background of day 11. So jealous! I also don't repeat cardis in the same week so this has been difficult. I purposely didn't include my favorite grey cardi because I knew I'd be reaching for it everyday.

  5. You have the most awesome cardi outfits!! I love Day 8, 9 and 11!! The black maxi dress makes the melon/teal combo pop!! Great job!! have fun on your jealous and good luck with the challenge there...can't wait to see how vacation 30x30 challenge looks like :)

  6. I love Day 7 with the neon cardigan and how you did a striped shirt under and a striped scarf over and ALL the colors match so well! Have fun on your trip!

  7. Have fun!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Love all your stripes!!! :) Good job on week 2! And I was accidentally signed on from my husband's work email (Mr. R.) so don't be creeped out. Haha!

  10. I LOVE days 8 & 9! Seriously so cute!! You're doing awesome!

  11. I love your face in all these pictures. You look like you are having so much fun! :)

  12. All very cute outfits! I especially love your day 9 outfit!! Love that striped shirt!


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